For true integrated growth to take place, our children’s physical self must be systematically developed. Sports facilities at our school include indoor games and outdoor sports. The sports curriculum is designed according to the needs of the different age groups. In the pre-primary classes, emphasis is laid on the development of gross motor skills, physical stamina, flexibility, balance, strength, hygiene, overcoming physical fears and hesitations and the development of team play. In the primary classes, games with rules become increasingly important. Team accomplishments complement individual goals for excellence. Gradually, skills of play and precision with mastery assume greater significance for students of the secondary and senior secondary classes.
Indoor facilities will be made available for Table Tennis, Chess, Badminton, Aerobic, TaeKwonDo and Sports Shooting. Outdoor sports include Basketball, Football, Cricket, Volley ball and Athletics.
Sports at SFS School, Silapathar are not just an arena for competition. It plays the much larger role of developing team spirit and sportsmanship and exploring and augmenting each child’s hidden talent. Specialization in a particular sport is actively encouraged.
SFS School provides the best sporting facilities in North East. To help build team spirit and physical fitness the following sports are offered: