Silapathar, Dhemaji Dt. Assam | 8403974595 | [email protected]



The safety and well-being of the young learners is of paramount importance. Notwithstanding the precautions and safety measures, there are times when students get involved in accidents within the school premises. The accidents could range from simple cuts and injuries to even serious wounds or fracture. Moreover, it is not unlikely for a child to experience indigestion or light-headedness during school hours. Therefore, housing an infirmary furnished with a certified nursing team and First-Aid equipment is a must. An in-school infirmary –

Acts as a means for quick treatment in a number of cases – bleeding, burns, heatstroke, unconsciousness, muscle injuries, choking, chest pains, asthma, allergic reactions, etc.

Prevents a situation from worsening. Though First-Aid is a temporary solution, it still prevents a situation from getting worse until the required help arrives

In a lot of cases, timely First-Aid can preserve the life of the individual

Academic Year 2023-2024